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EU Funds

OptiBuy implements projects subsidized by European Funds: “Technopark Kielce DIH” and “Implementation of R&D work to develop an innovative platform for analyzing purchasing data and calculating savings potential”
Projekt dofinansowany z funduszy europejskich

Technopark Kielce DIH

The scope of the project and assistance will encompass a wide range of digitization services, from assessing digital maturity to implementing new solutions.


The objective of the project is to create an effective and recognizable ecosystem in the Świętokrzyskie region that supports digitization processes in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This ecosystem will collaborate with the European network of digital innovation hubs. By facilitating access through a one-stop-shop model with a package of advisory and training services, we will enable efficient organizational digital transformation and digitization of product offerings for businesses. This will serve as a magnet for interested companies and an opportunity for their growth.


The target group consists of companies from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, belonging to the SME sector, aligned with the specializations of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship in: resource-efficient construction, metal-casting industry, food processing/agriculture, health and wellness tourism, ICT – horizontal specialization, sustainable energy development, trade fair and congress industry.


The outcomes of the project include: Establishing operational standards in leading companies both in sectoral and local dimensions., utilizing the latest digital technologies, supporting and stimulating the innovation implementation process, raising awareness and skills in the digitization sphere. All these efforts will enhance the potential to build the necessary know-how for creating new products and services, thereby increasing efficiency in managing own resources and boosting the competitiveness of SMEs.


Project value: 20,441,462.71 PLN
EU funding for the project: 10,220,731.35 PLN

Projekt dofinansowany z funduszy europejskich

Implementation of R&D work to develop an innovative platform for analyzing purchasing data and calculating savings potential.

The aim of the project is to carry out research and development work on the design and implementation of an IT system/platform in the form of software, which will allow to significantly improve purchasing processes.


Project value: PLN 3,253,725.68
EU funding for the project: PLN 2,255,197.97